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The AIOH CANARY project : "What does an Occupational Hygienist do?"

Alex Wilson , a BOHS Council member and senior hygienist with Huntsman in the UK. is raising awareness about occupational hygiene with a new video that he created for the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists’ (AIOH) Communicating Awareness – a New Approach Representing us on YouTube” (CANARY) Project, which is sponsored by Scott Safety.

Colloque annuel ARCoP: Des facteurs d’influence du bien-être à un mieux-être au travail : approches

Thursday, 21 November, 2019 - 08:30 to 16:30
LouvExpo Rue Arthur Delaby, 7, 7100 La Louvière

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre colloque annuel qui se tiendra le 21 novembre 2019 au LouvExpo de La Louvière.
Cette édition regroupera un grand nombre d’orateurs prestigieux dont le Professeur Alain Marchand
de l’Université et de l’Observatoire de la santé de Montréal.
Les résultats de recherche du Professeur Marchand nous serviront de fil conducteur tout au long de
la journée et permettront de parfaitement introduire les autres intervenants de qualité.

Inscription via le site:

La SOFHYT organise une journée "détection et protection" en colaboration avec la société Dräger

Thursday, 28 November, 2019 - 09:30 to 17:00
Dräger France SAS, 25 rue Georges Besse, 92160 Antony

Cette année la SOFHYT organise la journée technique en partenariat avec Dräger.

La journée aura pour thème la détection et protection. Dräger vous invite dans ses locaux le 28 novembre à partir de 9h30. Inscriptions via ce lien.

Seminar - Old hazards in new places: the emergence of silicosis in artificial stone workers

Silicosis cases in artificial stoneworkers have been reported in Spain, Israel, Italy, United States, Italy and Belgium [Leso, 2019]. In Queensland, Australia, health monitoring of workers of from just two businesses involved in artificial stone kitchen benchtop fabrication, totaling 35 people, initially identified 12 cases, half of whom had Progressive Massive Fibrosis, a severe form of silicosis. Most were asymptomatic. The Queensland government has now put in place a screening program; Kirby [2019] and Edwards [2019] reported that over 799 workers had been screened, and 98 were confirmed with silicosis. Dr. Edwards has advised the number of confirmed cases is now over 150.

Dr. Edwards is actively involved in the detection of cases, and in alerting and advocating with government agencies across Australia and New Zealand to ensure a rapid collective response to the emerging epidemic.

What is happening in Queensland shows that we are dealing with a major public health problem, which is also likely to be present in Belgium.
